A Single Photo Every Surf.

Photos from a time when I took a single film photo every time I went surfing.

Also here.

Norfolk Island - Monsterchildren.

Writings and Photographs from Norfolk Island, for Monsterchildren. Full article here.

The Window.


A small tip of the hat to the quiet and complete simplicity of life around in the sea.

From The Cliffs.

Home For a Week.

A week with family. Spent in cabin at the end of a long beach underneath a medium sized hill.

Photos also featured on sydneytosantacruz.com

Autumn In Tasmania.

A collection of photographs I put together for Red Herring Surf Tasmania celebrating the best season of the year.

Blog Post Here.


A Sailing Adventure.

        Photos and footage from an adventure into Tasmania's deep south.


Film Photographs From Travelling in Chile.

Two friends and I spent a month travelling chile together.

I took two cameras one film and one digital and a single lens for each. Below are the film photographs I took during that time.


South America. 

Two little films put together from footage taken during the month in Chile.


Miscellaneous Film. 

Old and new photographs from all sorts of weird places featuring of all sorts of wonderful people. 



Photographs taken from time spent surfing and exploring Tasmania's coastline.


The Portuguese Coast. 

Photographs from a journey down the coast of Portugal. Close to 3 weeks spent surfing the unruly coastline and documenting the Moche Rip Curl Pro.


The French Coast. 

A collection of photographs taken during a 2 week stint on the south-west coast of France.


Through the French Canals. 

Photographs from a 2 month journey sailing through the French Canals. I started in a small town west of Paris and was lucky enough to be given a boat by a complete stranger. After fixing a few leaks I began sailing east and after countless encounters with locals who gave me food, kept me company and otherwise patched, towed or fixed my rickety little boat I finished the trip 700km later in central France.

The photographs and two videos below were shot during that time.